The run-up to the Sujana Samaja's next year's prestigious program "Prathibhotsava-2019" was issued on 11-11-18 on the 3rd anniversary of the organization. The Chairman of the Karnataka State Commercial and Cultural Union, who was one of our most prominent chief guests to be able to afford the drive for the first time, Notable Auditors and wider veteran were not present at the event due to inevitable circumstances and blessed Sri Sri Tattananda Swamiji, President of the Sri Rama Krishnamatt in Alsuru, who was not present at many of the trustees, donors and beneficiaries. The entrepreneurs present at this magnificent place volunteered to contribute. At that time President Shri R.K Sridharamurthy gave the assistance to the party, and everyone at the venue gave him a brief receipt in the name of "Sujana". As donors donated, the organization has walked.