The run-up to the Sujana Samaja's next year's prestigious program "Prathibhotsava-2019" was issued on 11-11-18 on the 3rd anniversary of the organization. The Chairman of the Karnataka State Commercial and Cultural Union, who was one of our most prominent chief guests to be able to afford the drive for the first time, Notable Auditors and wider veteran were not present at the event due to inevitable circumstances and blessed Sri Sri Tattananda Swamiji, President of the Sri Rama Krishnamatt in Alsuru, who was not present at many of the trustees, donors and beneficiaries. The entrepreneurs present at this magnificent place volunteered to contribute. At that time President Shri R.K Sridharamurthy gave the assistance to the party, and everyone at the venue gave him a brief receipt in the name of "Sujana". As donors donated, the organization has walked.


Later the missionaries are doing the necessary preparations for the program. There is already a technical survey on this, as well as preparations for elderly, donors of non-service members of the organization. It has already been discussed with information that is needed for the ceremony to meet the clerics of universities. The place where the ceremony should take place will be decided soon. Twenty-eight universities are functioning in our state as we now have. They are collectively offering about four hundred degrees. In this way, we need to award a tribute to about four hundred students in the Prathibhotsava- 19th.

Sujana Science Library

Everybody knows the textbook for the past two years has been practiced by hundreds of technical and healthcare graduate students through the department of science, such as an integral part of our organization. After giving textbooks and facilities to overseas students in Bangalore, many educational institutions have been asked to give the same facilities for their students also. We are already in touch with the Principal of the Institute of Education in Chamarajanagar, Bijapur, Mangalore. Our efforts have come up with a good response, as we would like, the day one thousand students will be able to benefit from this project. The cooperation of our well-wishers and donors is very important to make this effort successful. Come on, let's continue this prayer.